Our Purpose



We are an investment company dedicated to sustain growth and to long-term value creation. Our starting point is a profound respect for our legacy, but always keeping our eyes on the future. We understand that only this way can we attract the best talent to build a strong and diversified portfolio of companies.

Our goal is to have a positive impact on individuals, the community, the environment, and the future. To achieve this, we work as one, combining forces to make things happen.

Taking care of the environment and of the communities

We recognize that sustainable growth is only achieved through a deep social and environmental consciousness. Considering the potential impact of Group companies activities on communities, one Semapa’s key priorities is to promote the development and quality of life of the populations.

Therefore, we actively engage with the surrounding communities, fostering a close and trusting relationship with each one of them, understanding the importance of obtaining social licence to operate.

In this, we continue the long-standing entrepreneurial tradition of philanthropy and patronage of our reference shareholder, the Queiroz Pereira Family, and we develop a set of actions aimed at improving the communities’ quality of life and preserving the environment.

To this end, we have designed to Carbon Neutrality Roadmap, to which all Semapa Group companies are committed, with a view to:

  • Minimising the pollution generated by our activity;
  • Protecting biodiversity and ecosystems;
  • Promoting the development of innovative products and solutions.

Este desígnio passa pela descarbonização dos complexos industriais, no caso da The Navigator Company , e também pelo roteiro de descarbonização da Secil, através por exemplo do lançamento de produtos pioneiros, como o Betão Verdi Zero, o primeiro betão neutro em carbono em Portugal.

Na trajetória para a descarbonização, assumimos ainda o compromisso de investimento nas empresas ETSA, UTIS e Triangle’s, cujo próprio core business contribui para esta missão.

Estamos comprometidos com o desenvolvimento sustentável e a redução da nossa pegada ecológica, norteando a nossa atuação por um forte sentido de responsabilidade. Como tal, alinhamos a estratégia, os investimentos e a nossa operação com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), contemplados na Agenda 2030 das Nações Unidas.

Take care of our people

Human capital is one of the fundamental assets of Semapa’s key assets. We invest in creatingthe creation of a project that enables individuals to experience continuous appreciationallows people to undergo an experience of permanent appreciation, with career opportunities consistent in line with their ambitions and capacities.

  • We value merit.
  • We encourage foster internal growth.
  • We promote the development of competences skills throughout the career.
  • We encourage internal mobility, promoting career opportunities across the Group.

The development of our employees – in both the technical and personal spheres – is part of the Group’s strategic positioning.
